Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Eating Commences!

Some people worry about gaining weight over the holidays. For me, I fear the pounds of September.

As of today, I'm no longer working out on a set schedule and won't be working out, period, for at least a couple weeks -- it's part of my body's recovery period after my last race of the season (Sunday's Chicago Triathlon -- see post-race party celebratory burger at right). That means I have to get used to eating less because I'll be burning fewer calories, all while wanting to indulge because of several key end-of-summer events: my boyfriend, Brian's, birthday; his brother's birthday; a family Labor Day weekend filled with mayonaise and cream cheese-based dips; my birthday; and a weekend away with friends in Michigan. Did I mention we're all foodies? When we eat, we do it right.

I'm aiming to gain no more than 2 pounds this month. The challenge is on!

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