Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ideas? Creativity? YES, PLEASE

I never told you how my first day of school turned out!

It was awesome.

I did worry about my clothes and the people and the instructor -- blah blah blah. But that evaporated quickly when I remembered I didn't care what people thought of me (well, within reason -- if I had bad breath, YES; if I as just being me, no) AND when I was reminded that the class was about ideas and creativity and brainstorming and all these things lacking in my career these days.

We did get a warning that our ideas will be crushed, our egos shredded. But that's OK. I'm up for a challenge that I like.

I don't know where this will lead and am not anticipating becoming a creative director right outta the program -- or at all. But it will be a good challenge and something new.

Bring it on.

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