Last night was Brian's trading firm's holiday party at Shaw's Crab House, the second holiday party I attended with him there. I should be writing about the food, a full-out buffet with every kind of seafood at our fingertips: lobster tails, king crab legs, an oyster bar, sushi and more. At the end of the night -- and one bottle of chardonnay later (I don't even drink chardonnay, so I'm not quite sure how that happened ...) -- I was hungry again and immediately had visions of our cab making a late-night burrito stop on the way home. I opted for late-night king crab legs (pictured), still coming out the kitchen. Clearly, we indulged and are fortunate to have had such a nice, drunken feast. Sure beats the holiday pot-lucks at the magazine I'm used to!
But the other story about the night was Madame Someone (shockingly, I can't remember her name), the palm reader, and Brigid (?) the tarot card reader, we had at our drunken disposal. I have a feeling some of the traders got some canned, trader-typical traits described to them -- I know Brian did. But what about me, a random guest?
For background: The palm reader had nothing to go on in terms of details and my body language, which was drunken body language. And the parts of my personality she called out were not exhibited in my interactions with her. Admittedly, if you're good at reading people, that alone can say a lot, no matter what condition they're in.
Here's what she said:
-- I'm very direct (YES -- confirmed by Brian). :)
-- I'm very confident and strong-willed (YES. And as a side note, she even hyphenated strong-willed correctly in her notes to me!).
-- I'm an expert teacher and trainer (YES. Well, I've been successful in those roles so far).
-- I'm extremely capable of juggling; I could raise a family, have a career AND do community work (no family yet, so we'll see, but I do juggle a lot, including community work).
-- Something else she noted that I keep under wraps, and she knew I keep it under wraps. Hah!
My palm and my birth date told her that this coming summer will be really strong for me: I'll gain expertise, responsibility and elevated status. I'll take it. Hopefully, this relates to some of the decisions I'm making about my life now. We'll see.
And then there's Madame Brigid, the Tarot card reader. Supposedly in the next 30 days I will be making a big decision that will bring a lot of change in January, and it'll all be for the best. She said something about being in communications and having fortune and luck on my side.
I've only been to one tarot card reader before -- I went with a friend who really wanted to go -- and was uber skeptical, determined to not give off any indication about whether or not she was right or offer any facts that would direct her. It was a horrible reading, although when you've got someone totally uptight across from you, I can't imagine you'd be at your best.
So what will the end of 2009 bring for me? I'll have to check back in in 30 days -- her fortunes were for a 30-day period. Wonder if there's a 30-day guarantee, too, because I fully intend of having a successful next 30 days. :)
Belfast by Orbital
6 years ago
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