Saturday, February 12, 2011

An Anniversary Toast to MK

We celebrated our four-year anniversary this week at MK, what I've always heard of as an "institution to Chicago dining." Brian's been there a bunch of times, and pretty much everyone in our little foodie group has too. Because of it, it's never at the top of our list;when you live in a city with new -- good! - restaurants popping up every time Tom Skilling says "lake effect," the oldies but goodies take a back seat.

I don't know what it was like when it opened 10 years ago and don't have multiple visits to compare to. But I will say it's worthy of its reputation. I love MK, and here's why:

  • The food's just as innovative as some of the new folks' in town, which says a lot for a 10-year-old restaurant. Sure, there are a couple dishes that have been on the menu since the beginning (I hear the MOST AMAZING EVER (!) truffled frittes are one of 'em) but this place has changed with the times.
  •  The staff were awesome and had a sense of humor, which really can make or break your meal, no mattter how great the food is. The staff at L20 last year were about as stuffy and stiff as you could get, and while Nomi's crew, for example, were extremely nice and knowledgeable, they were quite reserved. On the flipside, two cocktails, and glass full white and red wine later, we invited our MK servers to our wedding. It's completely ridiculous and not going to happen, but in the moment, it was a brilliant idea. When you laugh and joke with people all night long, it makes the meal all the sweeter.
  • And the decor is awesome. It's warm yet contemporary. Wood beam ceilings, exposed brick but then contemporary tables and colors and whatnot. Really cool and comfortable. Yet ..
  • There's brilliance in dressing up for dinner yet still being comfortable -- making a special meal an affair, a cause for celebration. They say all this on their home page. I love it, as these days, all we seem to do is dress down more and more. That's great, but it doesn't mean dressing up can't have it's place too.
Whenever people ask me for recs, I'm tempted to name the hottest spot or a relatively hot spot. This will be top of mind from now on.

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