I had the girls' night this weekend and am proud to say that I can still host a party so good someone will puke. Of course, it happens earlier than it used to (before midnight as opposed to 4 a.m.) and is generally prompted by a lot less alcohol (read: low tolerance levels!), but it still indicates a good night.
My poor friend who was sick reminisced as she attempted to shake the nausea about all the nights we had spent drinking, dealing with crazy guys at the bars and just being crazy 25-year-olds. A sign that we're old (besides the throwing up part): in addition to setting her up on a couch -- a significant upgrade to the inflatable mattresses we used to crash on! -- I sent a text to her husband to let him know she'd be staying over. Back in the day, we didn't have anyone to answer to except maybe concerned friends. I debated at contacting him -- I didn't want him to think I needed him to pick her up or that she wasn't welcome -- but realized that she was part of a pair, and I would want the same done for me.
Yup, times have changed. And it's all for the better.
About the food! It was a success. I had so many dips and appetizers we decided to skip the pizza and saved room for dessert: a giant chocolate chip cookie cake and amazing Paula Dean red velvet cupcakes from a friend.
The portion of the meal I made myself shrunk dramatically than what I planned, but it was for the best: I got to enjoy myself! The point of the night was to hang out with some of my favorite chicas, not run around the kitchen. And it's not like they didn't have plenty of food ... it just wasn't homemade.
I call it a win-win.
Belfast by Orbital
6 years ago
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