Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 28 Triathlon, I Will Rock You (or At Least Show Up)

The past few tri seasons just have not been ideal:

2010: Recovering from pneumonia is not a good way to enter a training season. But, I still managed to finish Chicago Triathlon. Despite, the chest cold, asthma attack, and 20-min. stint in the medical tent, I had a better time than healthy people in my wave -- and still came in 17 of 219 for swimming in my age group. 

2011: Thanks to the wedding and my dad's health, there wasn't a lot of time to train. Yet I had my best tri ever at Pleasant Prairie, coming in with a PR on a beautiful day. I needed it. That said, I couldn't get in a second race -- just too busy, and not willing to risk skidding off my bike 1.5 weeks before my wedding.

2012: I can't say that my April ankle sprain completely derailed my training because I was able to spin (mostly), but it did sideline me from running for 2 months. OH, and breaking my arm Memorial Day weekend did not help matters either.

Now that I am just getting back to running, swimming, and cycling (I think -- I was just about to get back on the trail...) I have a head cold. The South Shore Tri is two weeks away. I'll be there, but I just keep thinking: it's not as bad as I came into the race in 2010.

If I've proven anything, it's that I'll still show up. I'll get you, triathlon, just you wait.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Twist on Bill Granger's Spicy Chicken Meatballs

bill granger's spicy chicken meatballs

As a Midwesterner and fan of meat, I can't believe it took me this long to make homemade meatballs. I followed Bill Granger's recipe for Spicy Chicken Meatballs from his cookbook "Everyday" pretty closely and threw in a few twists. I couldn't find a good online link to the recipe (one person rewrote it and suggested sampling the raw chicken!), so here's his recipe with my variations noted.

Bill Granger's Spicy Chicken Meatballs

3 tbs. olive oil (Who uses that little? You need a lot more!)
1 small onion, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed (I used three)
1/2 tsp. ground coriander (I might have used slightly more)
1 red chili, sliced (I used a red serrano pepper and loved it)
1 lb., 2 oz. ground chicken (I used chicken thigh)
3 tbs. fresh breadcrumbs (Yeah ... I used the canister kind, and it's fine)
1 3/4 oz. pancetta
2 tbs. chopped fresh-leaf Italian parsley
1 lb., 2 oz. cherry tomatoes, halved (I used one of those squarish packages)
(1 medium  zucchini, chopped -- I wanted more vegetables and added it)
(Splash of balsamic)
1/2 c. chicken stock
1 lb., 2 oz. pasta (I used 3/4 pound spirals)
Shaved parmesan (I used grated)
Salt and pepper

His directions, slightly abbreviated in description and with a few variations to accommodate my additions, but true to intention: 

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees (F). Heat oil in medium-high heat and add onion and garlic. Cook until soft, and then add the coriander and the chili, stirring for about a minute. Place mixture into bowl.

Add chicken, breadcrumbs, parsley, and salt to the bowl and mix with your hands. Refrigerate for 30 min. until firm (I stuck it in the freezer for five). Roll into small meatballs. (Mine were about 1 1/2 inches thick). Place on a lined baking sheet and brush or drizzle with olive oil.

Meanwhile, coat the tomatoes and zucchini in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the mixture on lined baking sheet. Also start cooking the pasta.

Bake both the meatballs and the vegetables at the same time. The vegetables should take about 15 min.; cook until the the tomatoes' skin looks a little bubbly. The meatballs took about 30 min. to get golden brown for me, but he advises 15-20 min.

When they're done, transfer the meatballs and vegetables into one stovetop pan and add the chicken stock. Simmer for 5 min., then spoon over the pasta and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

I liked adding just a drizzle of balsamic vinegar to mix in -- add's a touch of sweetness. The above made 3 hearty portions for me.  He says it serves 4.
